The amount going to Humble is the most, even the the Humble slider is the lowest.
Asshole design being incorrect again and even misplaced. Classic.
Humble is still the best place to buy games to support Devs and charities.
5% to charity is still higher than 0% like all other market places. They still have to make profit and support the staff that work there… They themselves aren’t a charity… Come guys…
Also, they have the lowest cut take compared to all other market places. Steam, epic, Microsoft, they beat them all… AND you can get steam keys from them.
If you ever have to buy a game on steam. Buy it from humble to better support the dev. Stop crying that everything isn’t perfect, is still better than the rest. What’s more annoying then shitty captilism is misplaced anger and uneducated consumers.
The slider for Humble is furthest to the left, while also being the highest cut of the pie.
That’s pretty fucking asshole design. You don’t get to claim you’re doing something “for charity” and then use psychological tricks to convince people to give more money to you. That’s not doing something for charity, that’s claiming charity as a marketing gimmick.
Exactly, the Humble slider should mean the lowest but instead they get a whole 11 cents more than the Charity option, and 4 cents more than the developers. It’s preposterous. When the sliders are that close, yet there’s a whole 3% difference, it’s Asshole Design. Obviously the best answer is to use some other service that doesn’t even bother giving anything to charity at all. The good can get fucked, Perfect or Nothing.
I vouch for a bit more nuanced.
These sliders are either a software bug or asshole design. That doesn’t mean the entire site is crap.
Other sites can have asshole pricing or asshole customer support humble clearly is a net plus even with this flaw.
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Regardless of if this is intentionally designed to be misleading, a stack of sliders is the wrong way to show portions of a whole. I wonder what a better way would be for the web? A single slider with multiple knobs? Or like a single stacked bar with draggable boundaries between sections? I bet you could accomplish that with multiple sliders and some CSS to make them look like a single thing
Just checked the website. Your interpretation (and nine) was incorrect.
The publishers and charities sliders and connected, so they split up a total between the two. The Humble slider is independent (or connected to a referral in a similar way).
There should be some kind of separation here. I’d go so far as to say there should be a text explanation.
The other issue is that they’re absolutely no indication that spiders can affect each other, when using a screen reader. There’s no feedback for a slider you’re not adjusting.
All 3 are connected. If you have Humble at minimum and lower one of the other 2, the humble slider increases along with the one you didn’t slide. Keeping humble at minimum while fine tuning the other 2 is really fiddly.
I set up a monthly donation to charity:water when IGN first added the sliders, before they lowered the humble minimum. It used to be 50%. So now a charity gets a bit more than I was donating through humble, and I spend roughly the same amount buying games elsewhere. I get a bit fewer games, but I play all the ones I buy. /shrug
Sorry, kind missed this. Yeah, there’s some weird stuff going on.
It’s more than fair to focus your perspective on Humble on how they deal with charity and move your resources elsewhere.
Now you’ve got me wondering whether a client-side change would work to unlink the sliders and set them all independently. Could just be sending one value (the Humble slider’s position with the other two determined by splitting the remaining percentage) but if all three values are submitted and pass whatever validation takes place on the server, this could be fixable. No argument that it’s a shitty design though.
You could check your browser’s dev tools network tab and inspect the request. There isn’t much “hacking” you can do here though. If you send a low enough total amount, you just won’t get the games. If you send a higher total amount, you’ll get charged for it. This interface comes before the checkout proper.
It would still be interesting to get some insight on how this works though.
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As long as all 3 can slide down to 0, I really wouldn’t care. Otherwise I’d back out of that site and never return.
In first glance I missed the point, humble is far on the left compare to other but stay the most paid service.
More so bad implementation of a feature. Would be surprised if they actually cared about the sliders being slightly incorrect when most people slide the humble and game studio to the minimum and charity to the maximum…
It took me a bit of staring to realize what OP was complaining about - I think it’s that 0 is at the right for the slider, not the left. So they’re not slightly incorrect, they’re reversed, with the implication being that someone absentmindedly trying to donate nothing will donate everything
Narh I just checked, $0 is on the left. This issue is the dev and charity slides start at $0 but the humble slider has a minimum (for me it’s $2.67 but I assume it’s different for each currency) so when the slider is moved by adjusting one of the other sliders it’s just calculated as if the slider is 0-100% instead of something like 5-100%… Pretty easy mistake to make
Deleted my account years ago when they capped donations to charities but not themselves.
Just IGN doing IGN things.
$0.60 by default? Another reason to hate humble.
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To cite them:
Our mission is to support charity while providing awesome content to customers at great prices.
Their first and thus apparently most important reason for doing all this is “to support charity”.
If we go by the screenshot alone, it’s $12 of which only $0.60 goes to a charity. Which is 5%. Compared to $3.60 or 30% for Humble. I’m not gonna include the developer’s fee because the developer is not the one claiming they’re doing it for charity - they’re obviously doing it for the money first and foremost.
Sure, more than nothing, but taking 30% is shady enough, IMO.
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It’s all about the intent. Steam is there to sell you games. Humble is there to support charities while giving you cheap stuff. In their description the charities are the first thing that gets mentioned. And then they give them 5% of the money.
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What do you want them to do?
What I’d want? For them to give at least half, not measly 5%. Come on, they’re bragging about giving to charity while really not giving them 95% of their income. Like, at this point I’d rather donate the $12 to the charity myself than support yet another parasite on the donation system.
I donate to various things regularly (mostly stuff local for my country, but some international as well from time to time), be it charity or open source projects, and I hate when everyone takes a cut out of this. But at least most of them have the decency to send most of the money further, not only 5%.
I’m negative because I don’t see anything positive on a charity gaining $0.60 when $12 was given to the one who collects the money.
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The developers are taking a big revenue reduction to support a charity not Humble. If this is the recent bundle than what Jagex is selling normally costs more than $190. The default should favor the charity not Humble. Humble is just mooching of Jagex’s goodwill.
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Gamers make it their job to hate everything at nearly all times.
The whole thread is full of people who don’t HumbleBundle or donate to charity having strong opinions about both. They think that because the site mentions charity that they should be given free stuff for tossing $10 to a charity and that humblebundle must be greedy for being the only business that donates any of your purchase to charity.
Nah, I generally hate when something is presented as helping charity when most of the money doesn’t go to them.
Another reason I hate them is that they forbid giving away your games from the humble bundle.
Thank you for proving my point.
Thank you
You’re welcome, I guess?
Anyway, you go on my naughty list, I’m looking forward to never engaging with you again.
Do you just not know what you’re talking about or are you intentionally lying?
Edit: cool so you’re just lying on purpose because nothing you’ve said is true. I don’t understand why you’d do that but okay