• sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al
    17 hours ago

    I’m a carer for my disabled mother, but I’m always a huge believer of fuck cars. I’m super excited about all initiatives that reduce the number of cars on our roads as long as they put alternatives in place. That said, my mum does most of her shopping online, but occasionally she has days when she feels well enough to get outside and see things. So when I see things like this, I instantly think about ways she would be impacted. Under no circumstances am I advocating for a reversal of this decision in any way. But if they added some form of short transportation, I think it would increase accessibility for people like my mum. The decision isn’t mine to make or flesh out for feasibility, but I would be a shit son if I didn’t speak up about things I’m cognizant of and maybe one day, someone far smarter than I will provide a solution.