MGS5 did it very well! (That’s if you made it passed the long intro)
It’s chapter based. So you get 1-2 minutes of introduction, then tossed into the field. Story follows more gameplay like cassette tapes or walkie talkies while you explore, with cutscenes when you hit certain points.
After MGS5, I find it hard to play the older ones with its 10-30 minute cutscenes.
MGS5 did it very well! (That’s if you made it passed the long intro)
It’s chapter based. So you get 1-2 minutes of introduction, then tossed into the field. Story follows more gameplay like cassette tapes or walkie talkies while you explore, with cutscenes when you hit certain points.
After MGS5, I find it hard to play the older ones with its 10-30 minute cutscenes.
I LOVED MGSV… but it was the first Kojima game I’d ever played where I thought “This could use more cutscenes.”