I’ve done a number of ESPHome projects (coffee maker, fireplace, garage door, temp sensors, etc) and I’m looking for some ideas on what to try next. What have been your favorite ESPHome projects that you’ve worked on?
Garage sensor. Uses distance sensors to detect door open/closed and car present /absent. Has buttons to open/close the doors, a 3v garage door remote. Also has a motion sensor, temp/humidity sensor and a photo resistor to understand outside ambient brightness.
Looking at building some fridge/freezer temperature and water leak sensors.
Oh this sounds neat. Do you have a write up on what you did? I’m just getting into this, and only recently into things like esps and I would love to do something similar.
I have a e-ink screen next to my office door that displays the date, or a warning icon when I’m in a meeting. It uses the “camera in use”/“microphone in use” entity from the desktop app for meeting detection.
My kids really like it.
What did you use for your screen? I’ve been interested in something like this.
It’s a 4.2 inch e-ink screen from waveshare driven by an ESP running ESPHome. Nothing fancy, really. I used to change it “manually”, but the lightbulb moment happened when I realized I had the entities I needed in the HA desktop app.
I made a solar powered wifi enabled weather station and moisture meter for my garden. The first attempt was my only and it lasted a couple weeks before I noticed the ants liked the heat of the electronics, created a little farm around the box sitting on the ground and then my wife became unhappy about it.
That said I will eventually make another that is elevated from the ground, just haven’t gotten to it yet.
Mine was flashing my Emporia Vue2 home energy monitoring system with ESPHome
I’m always interested in sensors (got a bunch of home made Air Quality and CO2 sensors) so seeing real time energy was cool.
With the per circuit sensing I’m experimenting with identifying if my fridge is left open, or identifying when my clothes washer is finished.
Omg measuring power to detect when the washer and dryer are complete is genius. Gonna flag this as a future project when I get around to finishing the rest of my smart home projects
- A doorbell?
- Automated air refresher?
My favorite is a small module I added to my KVM so I can toggle it via voice or StreamDeck.