I ran across that magazine recently and every post is transphobic af. Does that fit within’s code of conduct?
I ran across that magazine recently and every post is transphobic af. Does that fit within’s code of conduct?
Are you a transgender person?
You just seem so smart and intelligent regarding how a marginalized group should defend itself against attacks on its existence, I was just wondering if—and I know this is ludicrous to even conceive—you turned out to be full of shit, would you bear the consequences of being wrong about how trans people should deal with people who want to murder them or will you be fine regardless?
It’s not at all ludicrous to conceive that I may be wrong on any topic. I enjoy learning something new when I’m disproven. It’s not easy to convince me (or anyone else for that matter) that I’m wrong, but I’m generally open to the possibility.
Maybe you could demonstrate just how darn reasonable you are when you’re shown to be wrong by accepting that you’re not wanted here and leaving.
No, political agitator, I’m not going anywhere. Welcome to the internet, where sometimes people disagree with you.
What a surprise.