I’d assume the weird “Obama is going to use FEMA to set up concentration camps to round up all his enemies” conspiracy (Possibly updated to Biden, possibly not, they tend to also be the “Obama is using Biden as a secret third term controlling him from the shadows (and Harris will be an even secreter fourth)” type)
This goes further back than that. I remember the first x files movie really leaning into this conspiracy that FeMA could be used to basically take over the country. Of course back then conspiracy theories were fun and on the cringiest of folks actually bought into them. Not so much anymore.
I’d assume the weird “Obama is going to use FEMA to set up concentration camps to round up all his enemies” conspiracy (Possibly updated to Biden, possibly not, they tend to also be the “Obama is using Biden as a secret third term controlling him from the shadows (and Harris will be an even secreter fourth)” type)
This goes further back than that. I remember the first x files movie really leaning into this conspiracy that FeMA could be used to basically take over the country. Of course back then conspiracy theories were fun and on the cringiest of folks actually bought into them. Not so much anymore.
The Lib agenda leaked
Step 1: Using evil lib magic, control the weather, like what MTG said
Step 2: round up True Patriots into Concentration camps thanks to FEMA
Step 3: ???
Step 4: profit.