You’re were hired for a backend team. They started learning React as you joined.
Ye that is when you strike. Build a guillotine if necessary. The fuck.
it’s a bit of a red flag when 160 employees see something as trivial as a trademark dispute to take the opportunity to go away with a severance package
Realistically, any company of decent size will have workers who are tired of the job and would voluntarily leave if they got paid for it.
There are other red flags in this case, but I don’t think this is one of them.
Yes but when it’s almost a tenth of the workforce taking the voluntary severance, it’s not really normal unless the boat is sinking, the workplace is toxic, or both
8% getting up and leaving is not an indicator of health
esp when Matt was chasing some of them after desperate to get them to un-resign lol
Wow, you got a link to that schadenfreude somewhere?
I do not, but apparently it is so
Imagine if you had to abandon your social life some years ago for the job and the only people you talk to on a daily basis are your coworkers on Slack.
Thanks for the reminder that my life is garbage, I guess. Unless you count the pleasantries I exchange with the person who makes my coffee in the morning?
I’m not employed by automattic, but this thread still cut deep with similar work culture.
Sadly, no corpo is a friend or family.
And sadder still, no friend or family can feed and house me. Economic coercion is very effective.
Even worse, this is still better treatment than when I worked state sector.
11-month trial period
Jesus, fuck
yeah I read that and started thinking of the various ways it’s dependency-inducing
stopped after the first 4~5 big ones because that already really hurt to think about
In France it was standard for the 7 month trial period and that was just horrible. Just horrible. So many firings would happen within days of the period ending, the barrier between no warning required and a shit ton of notice and compensation. Political nightmare and 7 months of anxiety in the backstabbiest of tech workplaces I’ve seen
The encouragement of a situation where you disconnect with those outside, the sleep deprivation, the drip of hints that you’re not meeting the standard, the trust in the great leader.
It also sounds corporate, yes.
L. Ron Hubbard Learns to Code
Great And Wise Senior Founder Leader Father McManperson mullenweg is goin’ real hard
at this point starting to feel like there’s a need for leaderboard of companies eating themselves
I saw he’s retweeting Siskind today. Didn’t know he was into that too
Does mastodon limit post length? Is that a per- instance thing?
yes and yes