69 years later, Trump is finally going to Vietnam.
I hope his bone spurs don’t kick in!
Nah, just his organization. He already had what he claimed was his personal Vietnam. It was surviving the 1970s without an STD.
He’s not counting or can’t remember the syphilis that’s been rotting his brain since?
Just checked and the US does NOT have an extradition treaty with Vietnam.
Plan B?
They’ll send this one back regardless.
Honestly I’d hope they’d deal with trump’s business scams on their own. 😏
Great country, I hope the USA learns a thing or two from Vietnam like this: https://apnews.com/article/vietnam-trial-death-sentence-anticorruption-campaign-943b7ab86e88905ebc7334c13cf123ff
I hope they get their money upfront before they build anything
That would be a smart move, given who they deal with.
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No fucking hope. He’ll milk all the hopeful sycophants as long as he can and take his nonexistent money somewhere else.
Someone checked the extradition agreement with Vietnam.
The irony of a guy who’s literal slogan is to make America great, slapping tariffs to “protect” American businesses, etc… Who is now investing billions in a country on the other side of the world instead of America. Hmmm
…while he uses ‘communist’ as an insult against his opponent.
The environmental impact on golf courses is huge. This is such a waste, especially now when we are “trying” to fight global warming.
Where else are wealthy supposed to conduct their highly illegal and immoral dealings far from the public eye?
Oh holy shit, I need to get my head checked. My tired brain read North Korea and it made some “sense” in a trumpy way.
Why didn’t he just divert funds from the hurricane relief for this? /s
Seriously though, as much as he is screaming about it, he already or is planning on using those funds for his own personal gain. I understand that he is sowing discourse to shut these organizations and agencies down, but there has to be more to it. He has to personally benefit
Hey, as long as the Vietnamese firm gets their money up-front, I’m 100% in support of countries taking as much money from the moronic grifter as they can.
My dad worked on forest preservation in Northern Vietnam and conservation of critically endangered species and this kind of project is just going to make things a lot worse.
If you fuck up nature, atleast make the masses reap the short lived benefits, not the wealthy few.
Maybe if we’re lucky, they’ll forget to bribe the Vietnamese government and get the death penalty and their assets seized, like that one Vietnamese billionaire.
Not a word, lil’ dude.
This was his personal Vietnam 2.0This is like 'Nam all over again for his weary soulRemoved by mod
I would suggest to get some references from Tijuana Mexico where they took the money and ran.
Fuckers! You Trumps are just fuckers! Get the fuck out! Go live in the ocean on a boat.
Here’s a reference:
Maybe try trump stakes again fuckers!
Vietnam can certainly use the money with China beating up their fishermen. Maybe a few more guns aimed north or boats on patrol.
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