• cm0002@lemmy.world
    21 hours ago

    The PADDs/Paper thing actually came up on a thread a while back. It is weird at first glance, but Tablets of today are not as cheap as paper so those kinds of “Drop off in an office across the hall” scenarios have yet to be conquered.

    But in Star Trek, PADDs are practically free thanks to replicator technology. People are social creatures, and some people do actually like to do that for other reasons. Maybe they like the periodic walk or they want to talk to someone in that office. Also, I like to think in that “stack of PADDs” scenario each PADD is more on a single subject with possibly hundreds of pages within or a single subject broken up across them for quickly scanning through a ton of data. I know B’Elanna has had a few scenes like that where she’s referencing multiple PADDs