Why do we have to wait so many decades for the weeks to happen though
Wait I always interpreted it to mean the weeks where decades happen were the eventful weeks where the we’d reap what was sown over the past and the decades where weeks happen meant that in terms of revolution not much happened over those decades
Yeah I think OP mixed it up
Always act as if the weeks are happening
Weeks never happen, only fortnights
Let’s drop Soviet Silos bois. The kulaks always have good loot
what are the y axes???
Shouldn’t the second y axis (on the right) be labeled “decades”?
No, because this is a reference to “there are weeks where decades happen”
btw I looked it up a while ago and I don’t think he ever actually said it.
This might be the real one
In the space of a few days we destroyed one of the oldest, most powerful, barbarous and brutal of monarchies. In the space of a few months we passed through a number of stages of collaboration with the bourgeoisie and of shaking off petty-bourgeois illusions, for which other countries have required decades.
I love how the decades graph is flat instead of a lower gradient constant