iByteABit [comrade/them]

  • 33 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • Pretty much yeah, the state no matter how much it falls over itself trying to convince westerners that they are the peak of democracy and freedom, is nothing more than the enforcing mechanism of the ruling class that decides everything.

    The only thing that voting MIGHT affect for them is which part of the bourgeoisie is in favor and that’s why different capitalists are funding and pushing in many ways for different politicians instead of just having one party. A simple example would be the oil and gas industry which has a huge incentive to get the Republicans in power, while the “New Green Deal” capitalists who are investing in new energy markets want the Democrats in power. That still doesn’t mean that each capitalist’s power ends when the elections end, the power of their capital remain and continue to shape policy to their benefit while still antagonising one another.

  • Yeah it sucks that the USSR supported something that has turned out so ridiculously bad but I can understand that this wasn’t obvious at the time and geopolitics can be very hard especially when you’re up against imperialist powers who hate your existence.

    This is the footnote:

    Westad, The Global Cold War, 125–28. According to Westad, Eisenhower opposed intervention in Egypt (in contrast to his very enthusiastic support elsewhere) for two reasons: One, he wanted to contrast US behavior with the Soviet crackdown in Hungary; and two, it seemed that Nasser wasn’t going anywhere, whether the Europeans got the canal back or not.

  • She seemed to understand what was going through my mind, and she said, ‘Yes, I know, but I also have living children who need me.’"

    Fuck… These mothers and fathers forcing themselves to keep it together somehow for their kids is the peak of human effort and self sacrifice, every parent in Gaza is a superhero right now.

    I hope Hezbollah makes Israelli settlers suffer and regret the moment their ancestors ever came to this place.

  • If they’re acting out of white privilege and being racist etc. they probably shouldn’t be a member to begin with or if it’s not something too serious they should get a warning.

    If they’re taking a position on an issue but doing it in a way that is objectively counter productive to the topic at hand it should be pointed out so that they get back on the relevant topic, this isn’t a race thing it can apply generally. Issues like this also hint at a bad org structure which doesn’t have clear procedures, each discussion should have some people democratically chosen to be “in charge” of the procedure and guide it while intervening whenever there is need to.