He an absolute power hungry Nazi that is dumb as shit. Fuck him, he’s an abortion of a governor.
A failed abortion at that. No wonder he wants to ban it
“Afraid” of DeSadness in the same way that one could be described as “afraid” of touching raw sewage.
Afraid? Hes a weak douchebag who went to the Navy as a lawyer. That tells you everything about his lack of character. He couldn’t lead himself out of a phone booth. Nobody wants more lawyers, especially dirtbag religious ones, in office anymore. They have no ethics or morals and do not know shit about what we need while doctors and scientists and engineers do.
Fuck lawyer politicians. All of them.
Actually, we all want to get rid of that want to be dictator.
Liberals aren’t afraid of DeSantis. We’re afraid of the damage his bigotry and stupidity will do to the country.
Just like we’re not afraid of a blind old lady… Until Republicans decide to let her drive a bus on Main St.
He’s 5’4" with a whiny voice.