For me personally, the more steps a math problem has, the less likely I am to follow through. My mind prefers cutting corners rather than breaking equations up
For many of us it is cutting corners. Memory is hard, but I know my fives and anything less than five so really I just need two spots in ram instead of a bunch of tables on my tiny hard drive
Yes! This is true, for example, if I’ve given something like 16 + 27, I’ll sooner make an educated (wrong) guess 3 times than stop and think about it. Not sure if that’s ADHD though!
For me personally, the more steps a math problem has, the less likely I am to follow through. My mind prefers cutting corners rather than breaking equations up
For many of us it is cutting corners. Memory is hard, but I know my fives and anything less than five so really I just need two spots in ram instead of a bunch of tables on my tiny hard drive
Yes! This is true, for example, if I’ve given something like 16 + 27, I’ll sooner make an educated (wrong) guess 3 times than stop and think about it. Not sure if that’s ADHD though!