Consent-o-matic instead of cookies and adnausem instead of ublock origin.
Consent-o-matic will actively opt out of popups.
Adnausem is built on top of ublock origin and will silently “click” on the ads behind the scenes to mess up your advertising profile and cost the advertisers money.
uBlock Origin can just hide cookie pop ups if you enable said filter, and AdNauseam still loads the ad so you still have slower page loading speed and increased network traffic.
Adnausem is built on top of ublock origin and will silently “click” on the ads behind the scenes to mess up your advertising profile and cost the advertisers money.
Tried it a couple of months ago. Didn’t nearly work as well as uBlock Origin, seemed buggy as hell.
Consent-o-matic instead of cookies and adnausem instead of ublock origin.
Consent-o-matic will actively opt out of popups.
Adnausem is built on top of ublock origin and will silently “click” on the ads behind the scenes to mess up your advertising profile and cost the advertisers money.
uBlock Origin can just hide cookie pop ups if you enable said filter, and AdNauseam still loads the ad so you still have slower page loading speed and increased network traffic.
Tried it a couple of months ago. Didn’t nearly work as well as uBlock Origin, seemed buggy as hell.