Please correct me if I’m wrong, might have breathed in too many soap fumes.

Token Ring sends the packets to every node by passing it from one node and if that node is not the recipient it passes it on to the next node.

Memos were created the day before with a list of recipients then it was passed around till everyone on the list had read it.

  • Tinidril
    7 hours ago

    There definitely are good reasons why Ethernet won out over token ring, but there are scenarios where token ring was better. Before modern bridges, Ethernet could struggle with collisions if a network were too highly utilized - especially if nodes were physically spread out.

    As for the diagrams, it can sometimes be confusing when it’s not made clear what is being represented. Physical and logical topologies can be mixed star and bus and matched in different ways, and diagrams don’t always make clear to which they refer.