Is there a Lemmy community for “someone should make this”? Similar to reddit’s r/SomebodyMakeThis.

And alternatively, this thread could serve as one: what are some software projects that I/others could take on? Ideally small enough in scope that I could make something partially usable in a weekend or two.

Previously I’ve just worked on whatever I found fun to program, but it would be nice to hear things that people actually want that don’t exist yet, and would be interested in trying it even when it is only partially finished. I’m not sure about others but I find my day job is often full of meetings or bureaucracy, and I don’t often get the satisfaction of seeing people happy with something that I built. (I wonder if this feeling is more common in other types of work)

    4 months ago

    Yes! I am an assistive technology specialist - helping people with all kinds of disabilities access computers - and I have a laundry list of little challenges I haven’t found the right tool for.

    An example to start is needing something kind of like the windows on screen keyboard but that selects letters/keys using arrows and space/enter (a lot like typing using a remote).

    The osk has some special feature to not steal focus from where you’re typing, but this could instead let you do all your typing and then when you select done run a sendkeys to type in the text (could have clipboard option but this doesn’t work everywhere). This also makes correcting errors easier. Bonus if it works with text prediction same as the osk :)

      4 months ago

      If anybody knows of something similar I’m happy to be pointed as well. Searching “keyboard accessible keyboard” is understandably nonsense.