• Test_Tickles@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Are you delusional? Of course they engaged with conservatives and and ignored you. YOU DON’T SHOW UP. How many times do I have to repeat this for you to understand? You don’t show up for local races, you don’t show up for primaries, you really don’t show up for midterms, and you didn’t show up to stop a full on Hitler wannabe.
    Why in the the hell would they ever cater to people who don’t show up, especially if doing so turns away the people who do show up? You don’t even show up to do your protest votes. If enough of you showed up to do protest votes, then trying to win your vote might be worthwhile, but you don’t show up. And that means that those people who do protest vote are not only wasting everyone’s time, but also effectively choosing the fascists.
    If you want them to care what you think, you have to show up.

    • Tinidril
      3 months ago

      YOU DON’T SHOW UP. How many times do I have to repeat this for you to understand?

      I DID SHOW UP. This explains so much. Unlike you, I don’t judge the truth of a statement based on how often it’s repeated. No matter how many times you and corporate media make this incorrect claim, it isn’t going convince me. I prefer evidence like this Pew study that found the political left to be the most engaged, “that is, they voted at the highest rates in the 2020 presidential election, and they are most likely to say they post about politics on social media and that they donated to campaigns”.

      As I TOLD YOU ALREADY, it’s regular working class voters who stay home in droves.

      Why in the the hell would they ever cater to people who don’t show up, especially if doing so turns away the people who do show up?

      I absolutely love the deluded framing of this sentence. I reject the premise but, even if I didn’t, does it not occur to you that the ability of “people who do show up” to “turn away” means they are exactly as fickle as you falsely accuse the left of being?

      Democrats aren’t balancing the preferences of the “median voter” with the preferences of progressives. That is a lie. Modern elections are won on turnout, and Democrats are weighing the working class appetite for populist messaging with the demands of the donor class. Right wing populism doesn’t threaten capital in the same way as left wing populism, so Republicans get a lot more leeway in embracing (foe) populist messaging. Democrats try to strike a balance between voters and donors, which is why all of our elections have razor thin margins. Whenever Democrats miscalculate and give in too much to their donors, the Republicans take power.

      • Test_Tickles@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Less less people voted tin the 2024 presidential election than in the 2020 election. This is a basic fact. Twist it turn it, divide it how you want, they did not show up. Even in 2020, only 2/3 of eligible voters cast a ballot. Since the majority of eligible voters identify as liberal, the fact that only 33% of the voters voted liberal in 2020 means that a smaller percentage of liberal voters bothered to vote than conservatives. So even though they won, they didn’t really bother to show up. Less than 50% of the eligible voters voted in 2022, and that is significantly down from 2018. This is not complicated, it’s grade school math.
        Maybe you do need basic repetition to get through to you. If you didn’t vote then Trump is your fault. If you voted for anyone other than Kamala, then Trump is your fault.
        You had a temper tantrum and now you are trying blame the consequences on everyone else, but the Dems are not going to chase your vote if you don’t bother to cast it.

        • Tinidril
          3 months ago

          Less less people voted tin the 2024 presidential election than in the 2020 election. This is a basic fact.

          Well, your apparently disingenuous argument was of a repeating pattern so, even if we assume the gap is made up of leftists, your argument is still invalid. Why would Harris’ campaign ignore leftists because leftists don’t show up if leftists showed up in 2020?

          Twist it turn it, divide it how you want, they did not show up.

          How about “substantiate it”? We know that someone didn’t show, but it’s not leftists. It’s never leftists, and this bullshit gets thrown around every damn time. By the time the analysis is done the establishment humpers have moved on.

          This is not complicated, it’s grade school math.

          Your math still just shows that someone didn’t show.

          Working class voters with no particular allegiance and zero interest in political theory are the voters you are looking for. They show up when inspired. Harris wasn’t inspiring.

          The left isn’t telling the establishment how to get our votes, we’re telling them how to get working class voters.

          Sure, we have some idiots in our ranks, but so does every group. We also have a boatload of trolls pretending to be leftists to sow division, and assholes like you play right into their hands. If you had any impact at all on people voting for Harris, I guarantee it went the other way. You can’t berate people into voting your way, just ask Hillary.

          to you. If you didn’t vote then Trump is your fault.

          I DID SHOW UP. Fucking hell.