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Yes, it’s a flag of surrender. And also a literal dishtowel. They used what they had, which wasn’t much, apparently, lmao
in fairness taking a white flag to war is gonna get called out as expecting to lose, so of all the things you’d expect them to have that wouldn’t be it
Just take flags in many colors and say you want to use them for signaling.
Being smug about winning the first Civil War doesn’t mean much when the second is around the corner.
What, do the racist reactionary fucks need to have their asses handed to them again?
Well, they have all the guns and a healthy dose of insanity. So maybe direct conflict with no plan isn’t the path to victory.
I live up above that there Mason-Dixon line and i got me all sorts of guns. Even voted Democrat. Hooboy.
You know you can have guns too right? You have access to the exact same stuff this entire time. You don’t need to be crazy to have things and skills to keep you alive in an emergency.
My personal strategy is to follow the Zombieland approach. Be fit, be smarter, have some basic weapons. The fat and stupid rednecks will be the first killed off and leave their arsenal up for grabs pretty quickly. No sense in wasting my money on that crap when I can just pick it up off their corpses.
Assuming you live long enough to pick it up…
And have any skill to use it. COD makes it look easy
Guns aren’t hard to use. They just require practice to accurate and precise.
They def. don’t have all the guns.
I gunned up during the previous election. Even secured permission from my wife to use them and possibly lose me forever under certain circumstances.
I appreciate MLK’s peaceful resistance, but sometimes you need to drop bodies to get them to understand.
Go left enough, you get your guns back. I know I did.
They most certainly do not have all the guns
Rubes cosplaying the SAS isn’t the threat that you think it might be.
Where do you live where the only people with guns are hillbilly confederates?
I know there are a lot of braindead democrats that think all guns are evil, but dang… The majority of the people I know are cool with guns, and many own them where a need/concern exists. None of the people I’m talking about voted for Trump.
We beat them in the 1860’s. We beat them in the 1940’s. We can beat them in the 2020’s or 2030’s.