Do not disturb our lords and saviours 🤣
It is said that once the prophet Muhammad was getting ready to attend prayer, but his cat Muezza was sleeping on the sleeve of his robe, so he cut off the sleeve.
Now draw it 😏
Absolutely hilarious if it’s a real piece of ancient art lol.
Edit: Looks like that’s a negative.
This is a digital drawing from 2007 by Russian artist Galina Zhiganova
Yeah, I want to know if this is real. I’m willing to believe it though.
“I just know if I wake this fucker, he’ll demand food”
You wake the cat, you get the paw.
Please tell me this a real image from some Japanese story.
Doesn’t look like an engraving to me…
yeah its actually just digital art from 2007
Now that you say that yeah it definitely looks like it!
I had always assumed it was an ink drawing.
You just got to yank it really fast
cut-sleeve but cat