The shitstorm of a fallout has pushed the community behind Billet Labs more than they ever would have gotten had they just gotten reviewed properly. It may have sucked what had happened but I think they will be better off in the long term now that people are aggressively supportive of them. Funny twist of fate in my opinion.

      1 year ago

      Like I said, I’m not invested enough in rich people who buy dumb shit to defend them online. I just don’t care, and I don’t care if all content online doesn’t cater to them, as you seem to suggest. You seem to suggest some kind of violence even, in not catering to idiots with too much money and time. Sorry man, but no, that’s no the “hot take” you think it is. LTT and Billet labs can be dumb simultaneously.

      It’s not for you to decide on if someone else should buy it.

      wtf does this even mean. this sounds like the kinda shit someone who buys a gold plated ratchet would say