Humanity was forged by a hostile world and we’ve been pushed to the brink of oblivion at least once. We adapt. I probably live too close to a major population center to survive the initial hits or the first months of total collapse so that’s a bummer, but I wouldn’t just lie down and take it.
Is the pre-nuke world really anything to write home about? A life of hunting, fishing, and murdering drunk russian soldiers with piano wire is honestly more appealing than working an office job.
Honestly. Never got preppers.
What world post nukes will be worth trying to live in? Best result instant vaporization.
Humanity was forged by a hostile world and we’ve been pushed to the brink of oblivion at least once. We adapt. I probably live too close to a major population center to survive the initial hits or the first months of total collapse so that’s a bummer, but I wouldn’t just lie down and take it.
Is the pre-nuke world really anything to write home about? A life of hunting, fishing, and murdering drunk russian soldiers with piano wire is honestly more appealing than working an office job.
It’s more honest.