Thanks Dems for doing jack shit about abortion bans, trans bans, the cost of living, the drone strikes, global warming, COVID.

Might as well just call them Blue conservatives. The outcome of voting for them is much the same.

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    If I had to vote for one of them today, and I was going to do it based solely on “who is going to get less people killed?” I would vote for Trump, and that’s fucking horrifying.

    I’m not sure this holds up if you speculate on deaths in other countries. Trump still fights a proxy war with Ukraine (probably more of a chance of deeper U.S. involvement) and does all the other background horrors of imperialism. I’m 50/50 on whether he’d pull out of Afghanistan. He’d probably try to start a war with Iran for a third time, and maybe that time it would happen. Could easily go with major force against Niger, too.

    • I’m 50/50 on whether he’d pull out of Afghanistan

      My man what are you talking about, Trump was the one who decided we were pulling out of Afghanistan and set a date, which Biden pushed back. I don’t think Biden would’ve left Afghanistan if Trump hadn’t already agreed to

      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I remember that, but Trump isn’t exactly someone who will let a little thing like a commitment stand in the way of what he’s feeling in the moment, is he?

        I could see him following through, I could see an advisor saying “uh we need six more months” until he loses interest.