in the US, there’s another side that makes it even more frustrating – not only is turning every square foot into road or parking being actively rewarded – but any attempt in the other direction is actively punished – reams of legislation against medium density housing, open patio seating, mixed use zoning, walkable cities, bike-friendly roads, …
imagine what would happen if federal dollars could only be spent on upkeep of existing highways and not to build more or expand highways, and the excess money was put into rail transit construction and protected bike lanes
in the US, there’s another side that makes it even more frustrating – not only is turning every square foot into road or parking being actively rewarded – but any attempt in the other direction is actively punished – reams of legislation against medium density housing, open patio seating, mixed use zoning, walkable cities, bike-friendly roads, …
imagine what would happen if federal dollars could only be spent on upkeep of existing highways and not to build more or expand highways, and the excess money was put into rail transit construction and protected bike lanes