Yesterday Elon streamed himself playing Path of Exile 2 for around 90 minutes on twitter. His character name was Percy_Verence, currently ranked #22 on the Hardcore Leaderboard.

There is a lot of evidence which indicates that he did not level or gear the character himself.

The account is online almost 24/7 for the past week.

If you try to trade the character in game, the game indicates that the account language is set to Chinese.

If you visit the hideout of the character, it connects you to the Hong Kong realm, indicating that the account is being played from a location near Hong Kong.

On the stream, Elon opens his item stash and it shows a tab named “Elons maps” and a separate tab named “Maps”, indicating that someone made a separate stash space of easier maps for Elon to play.

For the whole stream his inventory is full of garbage items. He struggles to pick up items throughout the stream, while his inventory is full of junk for no reason. Inventory management is an important aspect of the game.

He tries to open a map area which he hasn’t unlocked yet by clicking it multiple times. You can see that it is not unlocked because it is not lighted up.

He plays the game with no loot filter. In Path of Exile, so many items drop on the ground that you need to create a filter file to highlight good items and hide junk items.

In the stream, he doesn’t pick up valuable currency items such as chaos orb, exalted orb, or breach splinters. These are valuable orbs that can be used to craft gear or traded to other players. He didn’t notice them because he doesn’t have a loot filter.

He only clears around 3 maps for the whole 90+ minute stream, spending 80% of the stream in his hideout talking to chat while not playing.

Near the end of the stream, people ask to see his character’s gear. He doesn’t understand the gear of the character at all and thinks that high level requirement of an item means that it is better then low level required items. He reads off the level requirements of each gear piece and says things like “I’m level 95 but my ring says requires level 54 so I must need a better one” despite his gear actually being incredibly good. Indicating that someone else geared his character.

He has gloves called Hand of Wisdom and Action (aka HOWA). These are very expensive and powerful and the best gloves in the game for his character class. These gloves only drop from a boss named Xesht, one of the hardest bosses in the game. He tells the stream that he needs a better pair of gloves because the gloves only says requires character level 52.

Link to the ladder below. His character is rank #22 on Hardcore, ie deathless mode. The game currently has around 500k-600k active players. He doesn’t know basic things about the game and his character is somehow rank #22 on hHardcore.

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    2 months ago

    As a PoE player. This is fucking hilarious. Who is he appealing to here. Anyone who plays PoE will just meme him.

    Fuck maybe that’s the point.

        • Aradina [They/Them]
          2 months ago

          The really weird thing is that if he was a totally average player that’d be fine and arguably much more relatable to his divorced dad audience.

          His elden ring build was bad, but it was only bad in a “clearly new to this” way. Everyone starts out sucking and that’s a much more authentic way to experience a game.