It’s going to be like this forever, isn’t it

    2 months ago

    Nexus Mods owner Robin Scott summed up the situation perfectly on Jan. 6, two days before the official statement went out on X, in the comments of a Reddit thread about “censorship” on his site:

    We also removed the exact same mod with Joe Biden’s head at the same time (on the 2nd of January) to ensure there was no bias and because we don’t want to handle all the nutjobs that come out the woodwork whenever these mods get posted. Funny how the outrage-bait YouTubers don’t mention that, isn’t it?

    Case in point, today, with all the nutjobs coming out of the woodwork sending us death threats, calling us pedos and all the other “wah wahs” that come with this ridiculous situation because some YouTuber told them we are only removing Trump mods.

    It’s so dumb, and these people are so dumb, that I really cannot be fucked with it. I’m not expecting any of my staff to have to handle these whackjobs any more than showing them the door either. So we delete all the mods we see/that get reported to us on the topic, and all the people this upsets can trot-on because it’s really not worth our time or effort to care about.

    I’ve criticized Dark0ne repeatedly over the years specifically because he tends to be an asshole, but this is one time I’m with him 100%.