I’ve had 2 ACL reconstructions, but the first knee surgery I had was a scope. The surgeon allowed me to stay awake and it was freaking awesome to watch the little grinder and vacuum at work!
Damn, I wouldn’t have been able to take that. I would have told them to put me the fuck out rather than have to see and hear it and realize that was my knee they were doing that to. Even though it was to make things better.
I’ve had 2 ACL reconstructions, but the first knee surgery I had was a scope. The surgeon allowed me to stay awake and it was freaking awesome to watch the little grinder and vacuum at work!
Damn, I wouldn’t have been able to take that. I would have told them to put me the fuck out rather than have to see and hear it and realize that was my knee they were doing that to. Even though it was to make things better.