Porn sites are not accessible in Texas as companies cite the onerous process and privacy issues associated with setting up age verification.
Classic GOP Gaslight Obstruct Project
You can’t make porn go away and trying to do that is… Well moronic if what you actually care about is children’s well being. Because to actually restrict it you would need to live in a garbage society. And our society is already garbage here damnit >>
We’ve already seen what White Christian Nationalists are doing with period trackers and data related to abortion clinics. Requiring ID will be a privacy issue, and it will be used against people.
I feel really bad for all the porn actors in California loosing their homes. I love them loving each other. It helps me kickstart my day every day.
At the end of the day sexual body parts are with us regardless of where we go. We wear clothes I guess to feel protection from the world around us. But out bodies don’t really need covering. In fact we get vitamin D by uncovering our skin and letting the sun recharge our melanin.
The ID checks will only make things worse. Like 4 free “tube” sites based in America and that are trying to be mainstream and ad-supported (Pornhub and ???) comply with Louisiana’s current ID check law while the 5,000 sites based anywhere else on Earth don’t give a shit. Most probably don’t even filter for CSAM.
Half the internet is porn. Reddit has porn. There’s a Lemmy instance for NSFW stuff. To imagine they’re going to stop teens from finding smut because the “reputable” site checks ID is just willful naivety.
Also, I realize the goal of the Texas law is to label anything GLBT+ as “porn.” I’m not the naive one in this case. But the arguments in the case aren’t about the hidden agenda of conservatives.
It’s just step 1.
Once you get the big players with heavy wallets out of the way, then you can go after search engines that list it. Search engines probably don’t have enough motive to fight it, and the big players already packed their bags. Once it’s no longer on Google/Bing it may as well not exist for the vast majority of people.
There was an article about one of the masterminds behind these laws that got secretly recorded and he basically confirmed what I just said. ID laws are the start.
I have not seen the acronym written as GLBT in quite a long time.
I wonder if switching up the order more often would be a good way to remind everyone that every letter is a separate group of people
BLTG - bisexual language translation group
Bacon, lettuce, tomato, and guacamole
Don’t forget the quinoa!
They probably aim to pivot to some technical issue causing them to retain user sessions with facial ids attached so theres kompromat on voters.
Be a real shame if your Trump-voting, anti-LGBT+ family and neighbors learned about one’s penchant for interracial tranny tentacle porn
Also, I realize the goal of the Texas law is to label anything GLBT+ as “porn.”
They may not even need to go that far. The age verification laws going around these days tend to require it for content “harmful to minors”, not just porn, and everybody knows Republicans think “anything GLBT+” is harmful to minors.
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How in god’s good green earth does this law do any of that? It only legally binds American companies, and only where the site is mostly NSFW content.
Want porn? Go to a UK site. Or go to any site that’s 70% other content. Or if you’re 16 just Google “bikini” and wank to that.
This accomplishes nothing except the illusion of action, virtue signaling to Christians, and restriction of law abiding adults. Waste of time and money. They should be focusing on real things, the like fact Texas is poor and getting poorer.
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Moron alert
“In what people are calling the Ashley Madison breach of the porn world, fifty million users real life identities and viewing habits have been released on numerous leak sites.”
No thanks, I’ll pass.
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It really won’t. Apple doesn’t let any adult content of any kind on it, it’s a hard no. The playstore is likely similar but I honestly don’t know.
It has nothing to do with the fact that minors might get to it, and everything to do with image.
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No. It would not. Apple would never willingly be seen as “selling smut” on their official store.
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