last time I played New Vegas I just grabbed the only modpack from wabbajack that didn’t also require Fallout 3 and while it was overall a pretty good experience, for some reason the author of the modpack decided that luck influencing gambling wasn’t part of their vision for the game and disabled that. it was easy to re-enable it, but to this day i am baffled by their decision. like if anything, high luck characters being able to break the bank of every casino in vegas is one of my favorite things in that game, just disabling that makes all the gambling minigames completely pointless.
Yeah I loved high luck breaking the gambling. I used mods change the lockout to be a few days not permanently. I was also playing on survival with a mod that gave nearly every item weight including money and caps. So I’d carry a hundred caps or so, a few wads of NCR 100s and a dozen legion aureus. But when I needed a big infusion of cash to buy gear, my character would hit up a casino.
I feel like the modder must’ve been some sort of gambling purist who thinks that only your personal cosmic luck/your personal relationship with the god of Games should influence the outcome of your gambling, not the Gamebryo engine.
last time I played New Vegas I just grabbed the only modpack from wabbajack that didn’t also require Fallout 3 and while it was overall a pretty good experience, for some reason the author of the modpack decided that luck influencing gambling wasn’t part of their vision for the game and disabled that. it was easy to re-enable it, but to this day i am baffled by their decision. like if anything, high luck characters being able to break the bank of every casino in vegas is one of my favorite things in that game, just disabling that makes all the gambling minigames completely pointless.
Yeah I loved high luck breaking the gambling. I used mods change the lockout to be a few days not permanently. I was also playing on survival with a mod that gave nearly every item weight including money and caps. So I’d carry a hundred caps or so, a few wads of NCR 100s and a dozen legion aureus. But when I needed a big infusion of cash to buy gear, my character would hit up a casino.
I feel like the modder must’ve been some sort of gambling purist who thinks that only your personal cosmic luck/your personal relationship with the god of Games should influence the outcome of your gambling, not the Gamebryo engine.