I know it’s not just me but could others here comment? On meat or not.
I find often I need to exercise, I’m just itching to use my resistance training set until failure (and then, after an hour resist doing it again) or go for a bike ride - it’s a half hour up hill ride from here to most places I go, and I’ll ride hard to the top of that hill and see what speed I can get on the way back, just to burn off what feels like excess energy
Gout goes hand in hand with insulin resistance. Uric acid by itself is not a problem, in fact its necessary for the functioning of a healthy body (peoples bodies produce something like 8x more uric acid a day then you could possibly eat), its the ability of the body to regulate it and prevent it from precipitating into the joints that is the major issue with gout.
It’s nice to see recent stuff on gout, when I last looked into it there was nothing you could base food decisions on since before the invention of allopurinol
The old stuff right before all research stopped pointed the finger at sugar
Yeah! Sugar is the enemy, for gout Fructose and Alcohol are the super enemies!
I haven’t had a problem with alcohol, except one occasion when the alcohol had sugar in it