Quick leave the WHO
Nothing a few leeches and a handful of wolfs bane can’t fix. I like to do it in between my internal UV treatments and doses of horse dewormer.
WHO must go. —Trump
Really makes you feel like you’re a part of history
How does this even happen? In 2025?
Like 1/4 people in the world have TB and you can carry it without knowing
Wait, what?
About a quarter of the global population is estimated to have been infected with TB bacteria. About 5–10% of people infected with TB will eventually get symptoms and develop TB disease.
There’s also multiple strains that are drug resistant
Isn’t this the bacteria that killed Arthur Morgan
yup, the white death done did in ol’ cowpoke.
2 years from now:
“I called my uncle a Lunger during an argument. My mom says I Ruined Thanksgiving.”
Shouldn’ta done that loan sharkin’