Alaskaball [comrade/them]

Why are you profile stalking like a creep?

  • 465 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020


  • Touching on the monarchism worship, I gotta gripe about a game I was playing that does exactly this in a setting that I think could use a lot more exploring since it’s quite literally right up our ideological alley.

    In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel you’re set into a world that’s blurring the line between the very end of the high middle ages and the industrial revolution / era of imperialism where the old feudal world’s just beginning to transition into an industrial society.

    You get to see a proverbial Holy Roman Empire / German Empire (here’s another one that grinds my gears, why is it always the fucking krauts) with its political and economic structures coming under the stresses of change that occurs as the bourgeoisie begins to grow in economic power, education becomes more normalized, technological developments leads to automation and increases in productivity, etc. Its essentially a story of “what if we made a fantasy version of the emergence of the Victorian Era”.

    It’s a very interesting story with very enjoyable worldbuilding that really makes you think about how rapidly shit began to change. Of course the actual game itself is tropy as hell and back again with plenty of annoying shit that’s common for weeb shit, but what really tilted me was how there was a fucking revolutionary movement in the game and you think “oh shit are we gonna see conflict between the developing bourgeois and the entrenched feudal powers?” And boy did it fucking subvert my expectations for the worse.

    It turns out it was a fucking counter-revolutionary movement of the feudal aristocracy hell-bent on rolling back the reforms granted on behalf of the “lower classes” and to decentralize the government to restore power to the regional lords aka themselves so they could restore dignity and honor to the empire and put the uppity peasants in their place.

    I was so fucking tilted by that and it didn’t stop there, if it wasn’t for the outright over-the-top anime fantasy plot making me go “wtf kind of campy shit are they gonna come up with next” keeping me somewhat interested in following the story, I might have dropped it by like game 3.

  • A rightist article who’s author celebrates the right-opportunist and infamous mechanist Bukharin. It at least correctly points out Kaito is, yet again, neither a communist nor a marxist but an idealist utopian socialist, while pointing out some very mildly warmed-over criticism of Matt Huber for being an “economist” over the fact that his discussions focus primarily on advocating for the creation of planned economies as a way to solve the climate crisis - a criticism I find both worthless and one made to create the perception of imperfection for a reason that shortly becomes revealed towards the end of the article.

    The writer reveals after lengthy paragraphs criticizing Huber for being too much of a Stalinist and Saito for being the socialist version of mormonism - Marxist in name but not in essence - the writer finally reveals their hand to show how they should be concidered right and the others wrong.

    He does this by using Lenin’s name to hide behind the inevitable criticism his position would garner while bragging about how good the NEP period was before saying it should’ve gone on for longer - and let the nazis genocide the Soviet People - and saying we should use the NEP as a model for a communist society.

    Fucking wrong.

    Ultimately in the end paragraph, it all ends with a long wet fart that introduces nothing new to the overall conversation as it simply rehashed everything that’s been said by marxist-leninists for decades and slapped a shiny new label on it called “eco-leninism”. The author in essence takes what Huber talks about but tries to scribble out the supposed stain left by Stalin’s correct legacy.

    This article sucks and the writer should feel bad for writing it.

  • is to point it out to a Hexbear admin or moderator. I assure you they are active, even on this comm, and have thought long and hard about the rules, they just do not make their presence known as much as they did historically on Hexbear.

    There is a lot of discussion going on right now. That’s all I’m gonna say about it.

    Also while I’m gonna encourage the use of the report button to bring matters to our attention, please don’t use it as an “I disagree button”