What are they going to do, run out and attack a street pole? [Suburbia]
What are they going to do, run out and get kicked by a cow, then said cow has some lovely pooping moments on their stunned form? [Ruralia]
What are they going to do, run out and jump on a taxi, or their neighbor walking home? [Urbania]
I doubt that most people would run out and start the revolution. Most people won’t have plans or be researching targets, which would lower their threshold for starting a revolution, because it’s easier to do something if you know how you’re going to do it. Anyone who has plans or targets isn’t going to be fooled by you saying a revolution has started. Most people are juuuust comfortable enough to not want to go out to the street and start randomly fighting.
I think most people would be more likely to leave if things get bad enough. Question is if they can recognize the signs before the point of no return where escape routes are closed off.
Over half of Americans are obese. How many can survive the night in the woods outside their house, for a single night? How many know how to make gunpowder or charcoal?
No revolution is coming until people are literally starving to death. And the powers that be will never let that happen.
It’s true. Not one of us have considered who would be a valid target; which people should mobilize; what strong holds should be taken first; what supply lines would be invaluable. That’s crazy.
What are they going to do, run out and attack a street pole? [Suburbia]
What are they going to do, run out and get kicked by a cow, then said cow has some lovely pooping moments on their stunned form? [Ruralia]
What are they going to do, run out and jump on a taxi, or their neighbor walking home? [Urbania]
I doubt that most people would run out and start the revolution. Most people won’t have plans or be researching targets, which would lower their threshold for starting a revolution, because it’s easier to do something if you know how you’re going to do it. Anyone who has plans or targets isn’t going to be fooled by you saying a revolution has started. Most people are juuuust comfortable enough to not want to go out to the street and start randomly fighting.
I think most people would be more likely to leave if things get bad enough. Question is if they can recognize the signs before the point of no return where escape routes are closed off.
The sign was election night my dude, welcome to hell.
Over half of Americans are obese. How many can survive the night in the woods outside their house, for a single night? How many know how to make gunpowder or charcoal?
No revolution is coming until people are literally starving to death. And the powers that be will never let that happen.
It’s true. Not one of us have considered who would be a valid target; which people should mobilize; what strong holds should be taken first; what supply lines would be invaluable. That’s crazy.