Coworker. I told him to fuck off with his conspiracy bullshit. But back when I patronized him, one thing he said was that he didn’t consider belief a binary as in that you either believe something or don’t. He viewed all beliefs as a continuum. You can believe one thing 10% and another thing 90%, but he wouldn’t let me pin him down as to whether he “believed” any particular thing or not.
All while trying to convince me “tall white aliens” run the U.S. government and Sandy Hook was faked by a bunch of actors and the U.S. military had invisibility technology and planes that aren’t dumping weather-controlling chemicals don’t leave trails in the sky. Pretty standard QAnon-level bullshit. But if I asked him if he believed any of those things, he wouldn’t answer. Honestly, it makes sense as a dishonest rhetorical tactic.
Dude also literally drinks borax in his juice cleanse drink.
They probably are right with the military thing, i do believe that militaries around the world do have some cutting edge tech that isnt publicly available whilst it still gives them an edge over an enemy, but fairly ‘mundane’ shit like slightly better night vision goggles and sonar. (Mundane as in the general public wouldnt care, not that it wouldnt be super interesting from a technical POV).
Also i think there is a big factor that is keeping a large chunk of populations worldwide more complacent. It isnt a collective organised operation but simply… shitty low-nutrient and calorie dense fast food & junk snacks and being a bit more lazy & complacent is just a side effect of people running their bodies and minds on sub-standard food.
Space is militarised, sadly.
Think about the devastation shooting/dropping a m³ of heatproof metal from a high orbit satellite at a target on Earth.
And how we can already do that.