Drunk enough to know who I am and kiss me how I love to be kissed and arch that back the way I like it but drunker than that no fun
It just makes me feel less so I’m not really a fan. I think maybe for people who aren’t as sex-positive as me it might help with inhibitions but I don’t usually have a problem with those 😅
Absolutely clear minded, stone sober sex is my favorite, I’ve never really enjoyed it as much while drunk or on any drugs except for one time coming down from LSD had an amazing time but I think that was an outlier.
Generally speaking I prefer to feel everything, and I feel it better when starting out clear of mind. And awake, though again, one exception - one time my ex caught me at exactly the right level of sleepiness, I felt like all the inessential layers of personality had been peeled back and it was amazing, relaxed but so intense.
It can be fun with a partner you’re close to. But as a bloke I’ve had a few times when I couldn’t get hard - there’s other stuff you can do to make it fun for your partner but it’s frustrating when you really want to fuck!
Sex on the tail end of an acid trip can be amazing. And sniffing amly nitrate together while in the act is incredible, especially with someone you love. Actually TBH whatever you’re doing it’s usually better with someone you love, at least IMO.
As far as I’m concerned, no sex in an altered state of consciousness.
I admit, it’s not a very cool point of view and I’m sure that 99% of the time, there’s no problem and it must be fun. But I don’t want to miss the 1% where my partner isn’t in a state to consent and I’m not in a state to understand it
Yeah, this is really important. It’s less of a consideration with a partner and you’re comfortable with each other, and your partner instigates things, but with someone you’ve just met you want to feel entirely sure they’re into it. I’ve never really been into casual sex so it’s not been a big issue for me. There have been a couple of occasions where I’ve had to say no because I’ve felt that the other person was too hammered to really consent, even though they were keen. Besides, who wants to get with someone who wouldn’t be into it if they weren’t drunk? Only a rapist.
I prefer sex on ACID…
IMO it can be great on the tail end of a trip, after the hectic bit is over, especially with someone I really know and care for.
Not fun
seems to take forever for the guy to finish
sometimes you want things sloppy. it’s valid