That also isn’t the moral of that story, despite what they tell you in Sunday school. Onan was punished because he didn’t want to impregnate his brother’s widow, which would have legally given his late brother an heir rather than Onan inheriting the property. Look up “levirate marriage”.
If you believe Jesus, even looking at a woman with lust in your heart is equivalent to full-on adultery, so no tiers. Many Christians actually believe that and, for example, would treat discovering a partner watching porn as if they’ve discovered the partner cheating.
Which is wild because that’s like the least bad thing the Sodomites were up to (and Lot’s whole family was pretty fucked too). But people will latch onto the flimsiest justification that reinforces their beliefs, in this case “gay dudes are icky.”
My understanding is that anal and oral are “wrong” in the same way masturbation is, it’s spilling your seed outside of sex for procreation.
But like, clearly a tier better than premarital sex so…
That also isn’t the moral of that story, despite what they tell you in Sunday school. Onan was punished because he didn’t want to impregnate his brother’s widow, which would have legally given his late brother an heir rather than Onan inheriting the property. Look up “levirate marriage”.
The wording could just mean he pulled out.
If you believe Jesus, even looking at a woman with lust in your heart is equivalent to full-on adultery, so no tiers. Many Christians actually believe that and, for example, would treat discovering a partner watching porn as if they’ve discovered the partner cheating.
They’re both considered sodomy
Which is wild because that’s like the least bad thing the Sodomites were up to (and Lot’s whole family was pretty fucked too). But people will latch onto the flimsiest justification that reinforces their beliefs, in this case “gay dudes are icky.”