They’ve been flying these obnoxious-ass Ospreys all goddamned week. Right overhead, residential area. Windows shaking all damn day.
You’d think we’d get a respite when they have to stop to refuel? Think again. They do live refueling of these, so this shit is non-stop.
Just be glad they’re still in the air 🥲 I’m much less worried when they are flying straight and level.
They’re training flights, as far as I know, and they transition from vertical to horizontal as part of that. It was cool to watch once, but they wore out their welcome 2-3 years ago.
I was referring to the v22’s notorious accident history
Lol, yeah. Part of me kind-of hopes they crash into my house so I can afford to move.
😅 Good luck!
Thanks. It’s like the middle-aged adult version of hoping to get hit by a bus on campus. 😆
Safest rotorcraft in USMC inventory.
What they doin tho? Just training or is there something going on?
AFAIK, training flights.
I grew up three blocks away from Bell Helicopter Textron where the Osprey was built (partially) and those damn things terrified me when they would test fly them. I’ve seen two of them crash, like personally, witnessed crashes. They are also indeed very loud.
iabt these things interrupt my posting on freeze peach patriots must be deep state drones