I don’t know. Listening to PP on the radio the other day was, as usual, brain cell melting.
“We are under attack from the south! They are putting America first! Therefore We need to"put Canada First!” (Not a direct quote, was a soundbite on the 4pm CBC news radio as best I recall it)
Sir… When your idiot neighbours are in a democratic spiral to hell, maybe DON’T try and steal their slogans. I’m no political analyst but it’s …possible… the strategies they are using are at best ineffective.
Trump’s antics being good for North America was not on my bingo card. During negotiations with Mexico he also promised to reduce guns flowing into Mexico.
@anachronist Hmmmm I’m just remembering that Justin Trudeau at least twice mentioned in his ‘tariffs’ speech how they might affect US Orange juice imports into Canada!
That euphomism missed me at that time!
The only upside of Trump’s presidency is that it is a stark warning to other democracies around the world that it could very well happen to them also soon, and they’d better get their shit together before it does.
Hungary should have been a warning sign, but the US is a lot more visible and a lot more frightening when it falls into this trap.
In Germany we’re having an election this month and I unfortunately don’t feel much of that spirit. The far right populists are more or less at an all time high and the conservatives are the strongest party in the race.
Additionally, the conservatives are openly and explicitly imitating Trump’s antics. “On my first day as chancellor I will…” - No you won’t, that’s not how it works here.
Well I don’t know, have Canadians considered that their liberals aren’t perfect so they should fight tooth and nail to make sure the alt right gets elected instead?
I mean the liberals aren’t just not perfect; they’re lead by a bold faced liar. Still better than the alt right though.
What makes you think Trump is changing the outcome? Are polls shifting?
Yes, they are. Recent polls have shown a strong swing towards the Liberals. They’re not in the lead yet, but the current trend is that direction, and that’s without them even having a selected leader yet. Polls asking about hypothetical elections where Carney is the leader actually put them in a dead heat with the Conservatives (and unlike the US, in Canada its the Liberals who have the vote distribution advantage, so ties go their way more often than not).
one shows a combined shift of about 13 percent. Polls are polls, they’re a dime a dozen. but the effect is immediately noticeable.
It definitely gives me hope that I didn’t have before but we can’t just ride off that alone
Your title doesn’t make sense, why didn’t you use the original?
I was just amazed that The Donald might actually manage to work his magic and come up with a way for the liberals to win. An astonishingly remarkable performance from the grand master.