shame of you to pull the “I have kids!” card just so you can shove people aside in public for your tardiness. It would seem one can act like a complete ape with no sense of time in public and be excused because “Oh I have kids, you wouldn’t understand!”.
guess what? Everybody has kids or have had kids! If to u really care about them take the damn stairs? I don’t think you would have “fat lazy” people blocking your way?
Yeah bro sorry my subway already ran twenty minutes late and I wanna catch this train so I can see my kids before they go to bed.
You keep being a dick.
shame of you to pull the “I have kids!” card just so you can shove people aside in public for your tardiness. It would seem one can act like a complete ape with no sense of time in public and be excused because “Oh I have kids, you wouldn’t understand!”.
guess what? Everybody has kids or have had kids! If to u really care about them take the damn stairs? I don’t think you would have “fat lazy” people blocking your way?
Pardon my French, but I think this exchange needs a couple verses:
"Je me balade -même si j’ai tort- avec nonchalance
ton étiquette d’escalator, je m’en balance!"