Isn’t that kind of what he’s saying? Maybe don’t rush to judgement because there might be more to it?
Not that it makes a significant amount of difference aside from treatment, he’s obviously a danger to society whether the cause was medical or otherwise. At that extreme you might argue that it’s mental health disorder range whether it’s diagnosed as something specific or not.
Well the lawyer for their client is going to say something like this. Has the man been evaluated for this mental health emergency?
I also wonder which disorder in the DSM manifests with wanting to kill Palestinians.
Perhaps you shouldn’t listen to the defence attorney in their press releases and see what comes out in court.
IIRC it’s called Settler Syndrome.
Isn’t that kind of what he’s saying? Maybe don’t rush to judgement because there might be more to it?
Not that it makes a significant amount of difference aside from treatment, he’s obviously a danger to society whether the cause was medical or otherwise. At that extreme you might argue that it’s mental health disorder range whether it’s diagnosed as something specific or not.