From Paul Bannick
Northern Saw-whet Owl Fledgling (Aegoglius acadicus) As days lengthen and warm, it is easy to fantasize about summer, and fledgling Northern Saw-whet Owls among the chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) blossoms.
From Paul Bannick
Northern Saw-whet Owl Fledgling (Aegoglius acadicus) As days lengthen and warm, it is easy to fantasize about summer, and fledgling Northern Saw-whet Owls among the chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) blossoms.
Baby Saw Whets are criminally cute. I like all the babies, but the SW is something else.
Your mystery pic is supposedly a Javan Scops according to a Pinterest post. All the Scops seem to look a bit on the funny side growing up
Here’s a not too funky WFS kid for you.