The only time my neighbor starts a fire in their back yard is when there is a red flag fire warning. We don’t have many of these warnings per year, like one or two. On these days, they have a fire without fail. Yeah, they’re a libertarian. Loves Rogan and Musk. Fucking dangerous, these people. Adolescent contrarians have more functioning logic.
Call them in, every time, leave an anonymous tip. We’ve watched entire neighborhoods burn this year due to dry conditions. We’ve watched entire towns be wiped off the map.
Fuck this guy, call it in. Depends on your state I believe, but do a quick google search, probably on the site that has the red flag warning. He wants to do it so bad, he can pay the hefty fines.
Missouri isn’t exactly on that level administratively. The warning only says burning is not advised.
FWIW I plan on calling today if they leave the fire I attended, which they always have in the past.
I’m not sure if that applies in your jurisdiction and situation. But I’d take a picture. If your neighborhood does burn down, you have proof that it was him.
Oh I am with you. I document it every time. Thanks for the suggestion though, hope someone else in a similar future situation sees it and remembers.
God I tried to look it up to see, god Missouri what the hell. “burning discouraged”. Yeah. That stopped maybe 5% of the population, back pats all around. I guess I’d recommend… hosing off your roof…
And this state has a significant timber industry (white oak). Truly a backwards state run by theocratic fascist idiots.
At least you’re just
MiseryMissouri, and notGlorifide Torture and SlaveryMississippi or Alabama.