This post is an explanation of how my personal motivation works, and I am curious how others here relate to it, and if it is a common thing with ADHD.

For starters, I have inattentive-type ADHD, have been diagnosed and on various medications for ~5 years, and am roughly college age for context. I am very highly motivated by other people, basically anything where people are depending on my for something, or will directly help/harm someone depending on my actions. Of course I still have executive dysfunction struggles regardless, but that external motivation helps immensely.

In school this manifested as struggling a lot with homework (often not doing it), but doing very well in-class and with group projects. In my limited work and internship experiences, somewhat predicably, I have done very well as directly working hands-on with coworkers highly motivates me. Unfortunately, personal life progression things like actually getting a job and finding and applying for further education is the exact opposite, and is a struggle. There are of course plenty more examples, but I think that gives the gist of my experience.

[Cross posted from ! cuz I forgor that was mainly a memes community]

  • spicy
    13 days ago

    That is a good point. I have a lot of guilt about not “pulling my weight” as far as helping others because I’m too busy trying to fix myself. Maybe if I confront that guilt more instead of trying not to think about it, I can derive some motivation from it.

    I also do have hope that I can get better. Despite being perpetually frustrated with my progress even I have to admit I’ve improved over the years, which suggests I’ll continue to improve.

    You make a good point about exploring why I mistreat myself so I’m adding a reminder to discuss that with my therapist this week.

    Thanks internet stranger :)

      13 days ago

      We don’t all travel at the same speed, bc we don’t all carry the same baggage. I hope that you will discover how best to be truly kind to yourself.