The central bank’s GDPNow tracker of incoming metrics is indicating that gross domestic product is on pace to shrink by 1.5%.
The central bank’s GDPNow tracker of incoming metrics is indicating that gross domestic product is on pace to shrink by 1.5%.
Dumped all the social media for us and our small business as well as my art sales. Shut down Amazon and the streaming stuff. No more American big box or fast food. The garden is much bigger cause fuck Galen Weston and Sobeys too. Don’t forget those assholes are profiting big from all this shit. I teach a cooking class for kids and I think I might expand that to adults this fall as well.
Slightly related but I just bought this patch
(Happy to provide a link if anyone is interested)
Yes please!
Here you go! I’ve bought several items from ThreeRaccoons and that guy is dope :)
Wonder if he will sell direct cause I won’t Etsy.
Thanks for pointing that out! I actually just looked it up and found his store!
Edit: here’s the patch in question