Yea, that Clie (thanks for reminding me of the spelling btw) was great. It had a decent lithium battery (palms had alkaline batteries ant the time) and fit in my pocket as well as the early iPhones.
I ended up using the dock from the old Palm Pilot with a usb cord grafted on the end to download images from those ‘one time use’ digital cameras from Ritz.
The original (best) Trēos were on PalmOS, but they did make some windows ones later.
The Sony Clié was a sexy beast.
Yea, that Clie (thanks for reminding me of the spelling btw) was great. It had a decent lithium battery (palms had alkaline batteries ant the time) and fit in my pocket as well as the early iPhones.
I ended up using the dock from the old Palm Pilot with a usb cord grafted on the end to download images from those ‘one time use’ digital cameras from Ritz.