• Kadaj21@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My parents were able to get in by with just my dad working as an electrician for a power plant, meanwhile I needed their help with the down payment so I could get a mortgage and currently floating with one income, if you count the continued use of a credit card to get groceries. Never mind the fact its got 20k+ on it. Aside from the basic utilities we have internet. No cable, no streaming services. Then god forbid either one of our cars needs extensive repairs or just gives up the ghost. My car is 15 yo and the wife’s car is now 10…would be sitting pretty without the credit card, roof loan and student loans my wife and i have.

    I’d consider bankruptcy but that also costs money to do and would cost a lot more money in the long run. Man, I’m 40 and just tired of this grind.