I see the title - and first thing I think
“Oblivion, now with 16 times the upscalers” in Todd’s voices
I’ll wait for Skyblivion 🔥
This will come out about three days before skyblivion officially releases, in order to REALLY mess up Skyblivion, the same as they did for Fallout London.
Anything to avoid discussing TES6.
What, the announcement trailer from 2018 isn’t enough to hold you over until it launches in 2029?
I kinda wonder if they even have any good ideas left after Starfield was such a disappointment in the creativity department.
It’s still going to sell really well even if it’s just pretty Skyrim.
Yeah its called skyblivion.
oblivion is my favorite in the series, but goddammit bethesda stop making remakes. make a make.
I mean, Starfield should have been my dream game, but after that…
I dunno. All my enthusiasm for BGS has been sapped, and I adored Oblvion.
the scope for starfield was just too much, it was doomed to fail from the beginning. i think they’ll be fine going back to their TES roots.
Wishful thinking.
eh, i don’t see any reason why they can’t churn out another TES or FO like they have been for years. my problems with starfield were mostly unique to the galaxy map and space.
The remake is not developed by Bethesda Game Studios
I bet the remake will be fine, it’s just technical upgrades, no new writing or anything. Maybe not as “soulful” as Skyblivion, but fine.
What I am more worried about is “fun” writing and storytelling in new games.
EDIT: Wrong reply, but you get the idea @acosmichippo@lemmy.world
Why take a third risk (Fallout 76 and Starfield) on the unknown when you can remake a good thing?
FO76 and Starfield were much much more risky than TES6 or FO5 will be.
Come on man, gotta get a Morrowind with modern QOL stuff.
I don’t think they’ve ever realized that Skyrim was a disappointment with better advertising.
To this day it still has a more active community than any other game they’ve ever made has ever had.
Can’t wait for them to remaster skyrim again before TES6
You joke, but I’d totally be down with an update that integrates better graphics technology and reduces modding issues. Ive played through it half a dozen times in VR and 2d and there’s still plenty of content I haven’t done. Only issue I have these days is the small pool of voice actors so every 5th person has the same voice.
Aww man, are they going to take down Skyblivion right when its done?
Probably the only reason they did it
Or, perhaps optimistically, it’s to prepare themselves to transition off of their absurdly dated engine.
Unless they switch to one of the current Gen engines available, they will keep using the one they have, they just updated it’s now the creation engine 2… and that was for starfield and ES6. And it seemed like the same engine for starfield.
This remake is allegedly going to be in Unreal. Even if ES6 is in Creation, their next project can move to something better.
If it is in Unreal, that’s going to be interesting. Presumably, mod support is out the window then.
Why? I’ve definitely installed mods for Unreal games.
Well, I mainly mean that they’d need to put in quite a lot of work to make the existing Oblivion mods work with it or to develop a new modding API. I doubt, they’d put that much work in for a cash grab remaster/remake.
I mean, I have heard of some weird constructs before, where games used their own engine for physics and whatnot, and only used Unreal for rendering. If that makes sense for them to do, that would preserve support for most mods.
Bethesda has actually been consistently supportive of Skyblivion, Morroblivion, and Skywind.
Mod support? Between this and Skyblivion, the one with better mod support wins.
I wonder, can they just cease&desist Skyblivion off the map?
You can send a cease and desist for any reason to anyone at anytime.
But they wouldn’t be able to win in court, the eula of both games explicitly allow using their IP in mods
probably non-existent
Wait a moment. Oblivion is turning 20 years old ??? 😥
Are they still using their twenty year old engine?
Noooo, creation engine 2 is new, it definitely not a ball of bandaids wrapped around the netimmerse engine that was released in 1997.
Twenty eight year old engine?
Leonardo DiCaprio would be mortified.
The thing is, the age of the engine doesn’t say anything. The Unreal Engine started its development before 1998. But you do have to put in work to upgrade an engine over time and Bethesda doesn’t have Fortnite money for that.
No, they have Skyrim money for that. Imagine making money off of a game for over a decade, while barely putting money towards rereleases/ports. Didn’t even need a team for patches or content updates.
Unreal Engine is 26 years old. id Tech is 30 years old. What’s your point?
Eh. I just want OGblivion on Android, since that’s all I seem to get to play anymore.
That’s exciting. I wanted to play this again recently. I wanted specifically to play with a controller comfortably on a couch. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. My best bet was going to be getting the Xbox 360s digital version.