Obviously he handled COVID extremely poorly and it didn’t need to be as dramatic of a crash, but I think that factor alone was the leading reason of why that happened
Here’s an interactive one where you can select where you want to compare. Obama’s first term was a slide indeed, but it’s important to note that his term started after the slide had already started. I agree it should be included here in fairness, but then you’d see both the plummet as well as the recovery, and maybe some don’t want to give him credit for that and only focus on the first days.
Has his first term
Thank you!
I think including his first term actually sells the point of how bad this term is even more effectively than leaving it out.
Thanks, I don’t know why they left out his first term.
Id actually like to see the last 10 terms
I found some relevant graphs in my photos from his first term that are also neat:
I’d be curious how they stack up now.
To be fair COVID had a great deal to do with that
Obviously he handled COVID extremely poorly and it didn’t need to be as dramatic of a crash, but I think that factor alone was the leading reason of why that happened
Horrible colour scheme with night light filter.
It’s just a horrible color scheme regardless
What’s difficult to read about the four similarly green lines?
But, it’s still lacking Obama’s first term…
Here’s an interactive one where you can select where you want to compare. Obama’s first term was a slide indeed, but it’s important to note that his term started after the slide had already started. I agree it should be included here in fairness, but then you’d see both the plummet as well as the recovery, and maybe some don’t want to give him credit for that and only focus on the first days.
Donny still got some catching up to do to reach Dubbya or Nixon levels
And somehow, Biden does a lot better in this one.