I feel that “outgroup dumb” is shitposting but it’s from a real poll.
I feel that “outgroup dumb” is shitposting but it’s from a real poll.
This is the problem. My partner doesn’t want to work OT because he thinks it will cost him more in taxes. I explain why that’s not exactly true, but I can tell he’s not interested. Financial Literacy in the US is abysmal.
it’s just not the US. I live in the Netherland and many people here think OT and bonuses are taxed differently, because they see a higher tax rate applied to it on their slip. They forget that their base salary covers multiple brackets and a tax credit. Thus has a lower average tax rate than their OT and bonuses which falls in their top bracket or even a bracket above.
Tbh, literacy in the US, financial or otherwise is abysmal right now.
Your partner is a moron who doesn’t understand relatively simple math.
Nah. He’s not an idiot. But he is impatient. He doesn’t handle paperwork or anything involving patience well. (ADHD)
I also think taxes in the US are intentionally over complicated and confusing. I don’t struggle with things like that but I can empathize with people who do.
I too have ADHD and am impatient (combined type, severe). Impatience is not an excuse for financial illiteracy. And a graduated income tax is not complicated. Deductions, credits, exceptions, etc are where it gets complicated. But if he thinks he’s losing money by making more money, then he’s stupid.
Reading your other responses, you’re right. Not knowing something doesn’t make someone stupid. Refusing to learn something when you find out you don’t know it, that’s what makes someone stupid. Willful ignorance is stupid.
At the very least, he should just admit he knows nothing about it and just take your word for it. Deferring to others expertise in areas you are weak is smart.
Strictly speaking the taxes in the US are not that complicated, but the credits, deductions and what not are. Still Tomato Tomato.
have you considered asking him why he even thinks that in the first place? You’ve literally put him into a spot where he’s too stupid to even care about whether or not that response is logical or makes sense.
If he just doesn’t want to work overtime that’s fine, a lot of people don’t, why would he justify it with stupid tax logic that he evidently must know is stupid? Seems like cope to me.
You cannot simultaneously “be smart” and then “be stupid” you are either stupid about something, or not. It’s one of the two. I’m sure he’s a pretty generally smart guy, most people are, but either it’s an excuse he uses because he doesnt want to work overtime, or he’s literally uneducated (and therefore stupid) about taxes, and chooses not to be educated about it, even though it would be financially beneficial to him, because that’s literally how money works. (which would also make him pretty objectively stupid in that case) again, he may not care at all, but then why wouldn’t he just be upfront about not caring?
I would disagree with your premise but it’s not your fault. It’s my fault for not explaining it clearly
I don’t think not knowing something makes you stupid. Humans can’t know everything. We all have strengths and weaknesses. I know about taxes, but I don’t know shit about cooking. He cooks dinner, I deal with the bureaucracy situations.
Also, I’m don’t know if you’ve ever spent time with someone who struggles with ADHD and Neurodivergence but their brains don’t work like others. They can’t force themselves to do things that other people can tough out. They can study all night but if their brain can’t stay on track, they won’t be able to retain it.
When I come along and start telling him how tax brackets work, especially if he didn’t ask me, hes going to be frustrated and he’s not going to get through it easily.
I don’t know if he just doesn’t want to work OT and has settled on this excuse or if there is some other issue but it doesn’t matter. If he doesn’t want to work OT, that’s okay!
TBF, i was being a little unreasonably harsh, but i was trying to make a point off of minimal descriptive language so i don’t really have much flexibility there.
Personally i think being stupid isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s just a lack of education, but i think what really matters is whether or not you weaponize it, if you don’t know anything about that topic, you would be relatively stupid in that space, however if you acknowledge that you know nothing and have no practical knowledge basis, that’s fine. It’s when you know nothing, know that you know nothing, and still engage with it even though you know you have a limited basis to act upon, that it’s a problem.
believe me, i understand it, i’m very ADHD coded, but that usually means i just never get around to doing the things that i need to do (which is relevant here) i don’t normally make up weird tangentially relevant reasoning to cope about why i don’t do those things though. Personally i find very directed note taking helps a lot with retaining, and it acts as a cheatsheet for when you do inevitably forget about it later on. Though it still requires researching it in the first place.
there could be a few reasons for this, ignoring external influences, like being pre-occupied, you’re either going to have a problem with explaining it, and you need to alter the explanation so it’s easier to comprehend, or you’re going to have a problem comprehending it, but tax brackets are pretty conceptually simple from my understanding. It should take like 2 minutes to explain the concept of tax brackets to someone, obviously filling them in on all of the details takes longer, but it’s the relevant part here.
If you aren’t capable of digesting that level of explanation, i’d be concerned about either your level of intelligence, or your ability to care about things. If you aren’t capable of caring about something as important as finance, and relatively simple as tax brackets, i’m not really sure what you’d be capable of even conceptualizing in the first place. In my mind, that’s either weaponized incompetence, or you have a significant learning disability/developmental disability, as an adult. Which is something that should probably be addressed, obviously i’m not at liberty to talk about any specific person here, but i would personally be pretty concerned by that. Even as someone who struggles with this kind of stuff.
Yeah, again not wanting to work OT is perfectly fine, but if that’s the reason i’d be confused as to why he’s using an irrelevant topic to excuse that, instead of just being upfront about it, seems weird to me on face value. The other option is that he seriously believes what he’s saying, even with you correcting him, which means he doesn’t trust you, even though you would be the one filing the taxes, which is also incredibly weird. Even if you try explaining it to him, it doesn’t seem to matter, so i’m not really sure what the deal is here, but it’s weird. Like you see what i mean here right? This doesn’t really check out logically in any significant capacity. Granted, it’s possible you’ve left out relevant details that would impact that, but i’m just basing this off of what i’m reading so there’s that for take it with a grain of salt.
Regardless of this specific event, it’s probably going to influence future recurring behaviors, so it’s something to think about. Generally it’s rare that people latch onto a specific mechanism of behavior for one, and only that one thing, it usually applies to other things as well.
There’s not enough information provided to reach this conclusion.
There is very much enough information given to reach that conclusion.
No, there is not. There are many tax credits one is no longer eligible for after a certain threshold. There are various programs one is no longer eligible for after a certain threshold.
Most of the likely credits tend to phase out gracefully. So it’s true that we can’t be certain, based on my experience of when people are afraid of making too much money, it’s almost always because they think a higher tax bracket applies flatly across their income not due to nuanced understanding of tax credit and welfare benefits.
This is true for many people I’ve talked to, but he does understand, on a basic level, how the brackets work. When it comes to the calculation parts, I think he gets frustrated with all the rules.
But it’s okay! I’m good at stuff like that and he can build pretty much anything. We all have our strengths. :)
Hellllll yeahhhh!!!
Yooo is he visual?
Awww I thought for sure we were gonna have the perfect diagram thing…
Bah. So maybe there’s some YouTube video where they’re like “Bob made $50,000 last year. This year he took some extra construction shifts and made $75,000. …”
I don’t care about the partner’s weaknesses I demand clever solutions :p hehe glad everything is good!! 💙
Edit with silly riff that’s probably inaccurate:
I’m kiddddding this was just the evil thought when I first read it :p
Actually, yeah. Something visual would probably be much better. That’s a great idea! Next time the topic comes up I’ll try that!
If he is interested in something he’ll dive in head first. He reads so much! But if he’s not interested in something…that’s another story. It’s hard for him to fake it lol
We watch a lot of mini documentary on YouTube. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that before!
This is not a US specific issue, tbh. I’ve heard this weird belief repeated by all sorts of people.
it is a misinformation many people in power wants to keep because it lets republicans sell their policies to not tax the rich and bosses to not raise their employee’s salaries.
You’re absolutely right. I cant speak for anyone else, as I don’t live there but I highly doubt the US is an exception.
Rather than being mad at each other, I want to make sure we hold the right people accountable! Governments, corporations, billionaires etc.
It’s a form of oppression.
I’ve heard it in Australia too, which has the same tax bracket system as the USA. I think the fact that this stuff isn’t taught in school is a major issue.
“you can’t make less money by making more money”
Unless you’re poor enough to be on welfare. The Welfare Cliff is awful.
This can also apply to student loans when one person makes a lot more than the other.
Oddly enough it kinda does. OT can make you pay out more taxes on that one check since withholdings are calculated by check. Basically the government/payroll system thinks you’re going to be making that every week so more taxes will be taken out.
In reality this only effects the size of your tax bill or return at the end of the year.
That’s what people see and exactly why they think they got kicked up a whole tax bracket.
The whole notion of “kicked up a tax bracket” is also a misleading thing. Only a piece of your income goes into the “new bracket”, all pay under the new bracket is taxed as they would have been used to.
Exactly, and it also depends on what withholding you have requested.
Run, if it’s not too late.
Nah. There’s good people here and even the people who voted for this deserve to have their needs met, many of then are only personally responsible for a tiny fraction of the immense harm caused by the systems of power. And they may not have caused any harm if they lived in a place where people are always taken care of as well as is reasonably possible. there is immense pressure to shed empathy and embrace individualism and forego the many benefits of community such as efficient and effective collaboration, for example to prevent a disease from spreading or at least reducing the harm it causes. As many of us can see, especially obviously in the US, the goal and function of the system isn’t actually to stop causing harm in the first place, or even reduce the harm that must be caused for your society to function, the cruelty is often very much the point. Non-absolutely essential needs are less and less profitable to meet the less common it is to have the need, and the amount of wealth that can be extracted from the people with whatever need is the only thing that really determines what gets things done, and subjugation and not giving folks a chance to think critically and question their circumstances by completely overwhelming them with horrible information (including dis- or misinformation) about the world and making them think they’re threatened by whoever is opposing efforts to make line go up. Most folks don’t stand a chance without direct intervention and time spent with someone directly affected by the system in an obvious way, including possibly the person themselves.
At the very least I owe it to my family to stay and be as helpful as possible to the people who have supported me and hopefully others who don’t deserve what’s coming if a major effort of community organization doesn’t happen
We all have our weaknesses and faults. No need to dismiss every relationship due to imperfections.
Nah. He’s not a bad person or a dummy. He just gets frustrated by bureaucracy and doesn’t have the patience I have.
It’s not the fear of bureaucracy that is concerning, it’s the lack of interest to listen to your sound advice on a relatively simple topic.
That’s fair. I appreciate your concern for me!
He’s not always like that. I didn’t mean to make him sound like a jerk. I just meant to relate to the topic of tax confusion with personal experience.
He had pretty severe ADHD and struggles with some topics. It’s okay! I deal with the money stuff and he cooks dinner. :)
Fair enough. Good luck on your journey!
You too!
By design
No, they teach you this in high school. These people are just dumbasses
Yeah, I definitely didn’t leave this in school. I know about it from reading articles on tax brackets. _(‘’)/
Yes, everyone’s education is the same as yours.