That was the post on this thread, not the notification that was sent out. The notification just says “Automated migration notification” (and then a list of names). Are you of the opinion that the very announcement in this community is in fact trying to dictate to people that they must subscribe to the new community?
I’m of the opinion that pasting thousands and thousands of user’s addresses into your message is spam and I find it incomprehensible that you think you and your community are so important that it excuses it.
I genuinely don’t get why someone’s notifications are so sacred to them to this extent. This was a one-off event that was done purely to get people migrating over to the new community. Which it seems to have done. Some people aren’t bothered by it, presumably because they did subscribe here.
I genuinely don’t get why someone’s notifications are so sacred to them to this extent.
Then you don’t understand why people don’t like spam. You support spamming. You think your message is more important than my preferences, than THOUSANDS of users preferences, and the fact that you’ve pissed off a bunch of users hasn’t even begun to convince you to even consider that you might be in the wrong here.
As I said, I’m not telling you to do anything. You don’t want to subscribe, don’t subscribe. You just got caught up on the mail-list because you at some point posted here (in the last X months). It’s done now. It won’t happen again.
You’re defending spamming up and down this thread and arguing with anyone you pissed off. Have a little think about whether that makes the world a better place. And try reading what people say and be less broken record.
It won’t happen again.
Then stop defending it ffs and try apologising instead.
the mail-list
that was scraped, the way spammers do it. "We thought you’d be interested in… " is at the start of an awful lot of marketing crap.
It’s just a community notification, not some seedy product or some con or scam. It was always meant as a one-off thing (that’s apparently been done before anyway by the same guy to zero issues for another community migration).
Still justifying your actions, still excusing your spam, still being defensive, still absolutely believing you did the right thing despite pissing a bunch of people off, still not apologising.
Skavau is completely unaffiliated with this action (I don’t even know him), please don’t accuse him of being a part of this. He is just trying to help you understand how you can see this from a different perspective.
That was the post on this thread, not the notification that was sent out. The notification just says “Automated migration notification” (and then a list of names). Are you of the opinion that the very announcement in this community is in fact trying to dictate to people that they must subscribe to the new community?
I’m of the opinion that pasting thousands and thousands of user’s addresses into your message is spam and I find it incomprehensible that you think you and your community are so important that it excuses it.
I genuinely don’t get why someone’s notifications are so sacred to them to this extent. This was a one-off event that was done purely to get people migrating over to the new community. Which it seems to have done. Some people aren’t bothered by it, presumably because they did subscribe here.
Then you don’t understand why people don’t like spam. You support spamming. You think your message is more important than my preferences, than THOUSANDS of users preferences, and the fact that you’ve pissed off a bunch of users hasn’t even begun to convince you to even consider that you might be in the wrong here.
As I said, I’m not telling you to do anything. You don’t want to subscribe, don’t subscribe. You just got caught up on the mail-list because you at some point posted here (in the last X months). It’s done now. It won’t happen again.
You’re defending spamming up and down this thread and arguing with anyone you pissed off. Have a little think about whether that makes the world a better place. And try reading what people say and be less broken record.
Then stop defending it ffs and try apologising instead.
that was scraped, the way spammers do it. "We thought you’d be interested in… " is at the start of an awful lot of marketing crap.
It’s just a community notification, not some seedy product or some con or scam. It was always meant as a one-off thing (that’s apparently been done before anyway by the same guy to zero issues for another community migration).
Still justifying your actions, still excusing your spam, still being defensive, still absolutely believing you did the right thing despite pissing a bunch of people off, still not apologising.
Skavau is completely unaffiliated with this action (I don’t even know him), please don’t accuse him of being a part of this. He is just trying to help you understand how you can see this from a different perspective.
I’m not inclined to be told what to do, as you so object to yourself when you believed you were being ordered about.