Same. Took a couple of stabs at it previously and poured some hours into reading various wikis, but finally feel comfortable enough with the systems to design a party that can (hopefully) handle Core without much issues.
Knowledge is king in this game. How should I have known that all my teamwork feats are useless, when I pick Azata Mythic Path? That’s why I play on daring with respec enabled.
Wrath of the Rightous. I’ll be back in a couple of months, cya
Same. Took a couple of stabs at it previously and poured some hours into reading various wikis, but finally feel comfortable enough with the systems to design a party that can (hopefully) handle Core without much issues.
Knowledge is king in this game. How should I have known that all my teamwork feats are useless, when I pick Azata Mythic Path? That’s why I play on daring with respec enabled.